Events & Promos
Users can share Events / Promos on Social Media or to Contacts!
We specialize in online marketing and being seen! Our dedication to your success couldn't be more obvious. By connectiong your APP to we are advertising your promos as well as your APP. Users will see your APP when viewing your events and promos. This is a huge deal for you, and its for life! The potential to reach MIILLIONS has never been as real as this!

Will Shivers – Founder

Events / Promos /Coupons is a MULTI BILLION Dollar industry, globally! By adding these features to our Dating / Streaming app we’ve brought the future of dating right to you! You or your users can stream live events, with permissions granted by you the admin. Parameters can be set to minimum viewers as well as maximum viewers and even stream time allotments.
The website is just starting up. We are adding thousands of event venues through our API which update in real time. This site will be aimed at helping people find events and promos locally without any membership fees. If you don’t know how Google and other search engines rank websites on page 1, let me explain. So one of the biggest determinations is fresh and relevant content, if the content is diverse, even better. With us feeding that site live with users and affiliates events / promos /coupons, Search engines will push it to the top of searches in almost no time at all. Our dating app buyers get a lifetime membership on this site. This site will act like a billboard for all your events and promos as well your APP itself. Users will see what APP posted the event and if users want to see the person on that app they will have to download the app to communicate with the host. See where this is going? We don’t mess around, when we say your success is our success, we mean it!
Design & Technology Gives Your Users Shareability To Their Social Media & Contacts!~
Our Values
Our vision and APP Design is an intrical part of our customers success. We strive to separate us and you from the competition with innovative technology that appeals to the masses!
Live Streaming
People don’t realize how lucrative live streaming is. Users pay as they go or watch ads, both options bring in billions per year industry wide!
Concentrate on Familiarity
We understand we aren’t the first app to do dating, so creating apps with familiar function is key to user engagement and enhanced experience!
Supporting our Customers
By offering free advertising we are putting our money where our mouth is and banking on your customers success! Going viral has never been this easy!
Unlimited Streaming
With our unlimited option, again we are supporting our customers saving them THOUSANDS yearly or even monthly. That money can go towards advertising.
Customer Service
We are here to help our customers with any questions, concerns or ideas they may have. We are always looking for ways to improve.
The best dating app ever is brought to you by iMATRiX. We strive for excellence and will settle for nothing less than perfect!